Episode 33: What's in a Name?

October 15, 2018

After our very first adventure into a multi-episode story, we’re back on our regular one shot bullshit. Make sure to figure out your “name” and tweet it at us! Rules are below.


Recommendation: Dial Tone


  1. Use the third letter of your first name to find your new first name.

    A= Poopsie
    B= Lumpy
    C= Buttercup
    D= Gidget
    E= Crusty
    F= Greasy
    G= Fluffy
    H= Cheeseball
    I= Chim-chim
    J= Stinky
    K= Funky
    I= Boobie
    M= Pinky
    N= Zippy
    O= Goober
    P= Doofus
    Q= Slimy
    R= Loopy
    S= Snotty
    T= Tulefel
    U= Dorkey
    V= Squeezit
    W= Oprah
    X= Skipper
    Y= Dinky
    Z= Zsa-Zsa

  2. Use the second letter of your last name to find the first part of your new last name.

    A= Apple
    B= Toilet
    C= Giggle
    D= Burger
    E= Girdle
    F= Barf
    G= Lizard
    H= Waffle
    I= Cootie
    J= Monkey
    K= Potty
    I= Liver
    M= Banana
    N= Rhino
    O= Bubble
    P= Hamster
    Q= Toad
    R= Gizzard
    S= Pizza
    T= Gerbil
    U= Chicken
    V= Pickle
    W= Chuckle
    X= Tofu
    Y= Gorilla
    Z= Stinker

  3. Use the fourth/last letter of your last name to find the last part of your new last name.

    A= Head
    B= Mouth
    C= Face
    D= Nose
    E= Tush
    F= Breath
    G= Pants
    H= Shorts
    I= Lips
    J= Honker
    K= Butt
    I= Brain
    M= Tushie
    N= Chunks
    O= Hiney
    P= Biscuits
    Q= Toes
    R= Buns
    S= Fanny
    T= Sniffer
    U= Sprinkles
    V= Kisser
    W= Squirt
    X= Humperdinck
    Y= Brains
    Z= Juice

Sequoia Thomas